Insider Developments: Genome Upload Portal
2 min readNov 24, 2017

In addition to EncrypGen’s 2017 Thanksgiving Update, this is a special access for all those individuals that have been following the Gene-Chain closely.

Without much ado, here are some insider pictures exclusive to our official Reddit channel.

Registering is a very similar process to most online accounts
Secure Login
The Public Upload Portal has been populated with fictitious data, but this gives you the sense of the feel.
Uploading Genome formats of all kinds
Control Profile Data
Detail Each Profile

Here are some of the technical specifications laid out in black in white…

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Oh, and here’s a bonus screenshots of the Gene-Chain in development, if you missed the Live Facebook event.

Uploading DNA
Search through specific genes, and make fine filters on search results
Your DNA has value on the Gene-Chain.



EncrypGen will revolutionize the sharing of genetic data between scientists, labs, and citizens by utilizing blockchain technology.